The Dietitian

The Best Coconut Oil Popcorn Recipe

The Best Popcorn Recipe

I’m a true lover of all salty snacks.  Especially popcorn.  So much so that I would consider myself somewhat of a connoisseur.  I’ve tried all versions, from movie theater to microwave to pre-popped/bagged to air popped and so on.  Today I share with you the best coconut oil popcorn recipe to make your own popcorn … Read more

Black Bean Brownies


Black bean brownies? I was sceptical too, but you must trust me. B​​​​​​​y popular demand, here is the recipe that might change your life. ; ) ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The BEST Black Bean Brownies: -2 rinsed/drained Cans Black Beans – 1/2 cup Cacao Powder – ​​​​​​​1 cup Rolled Oats -​​​​​​​1/2 tsp salt – 3/4 ​​​​cup (real) Maple Syrup – … Read more

Are You Tired? Bloated? How Does Food Make You Feel?

Food that makes you feel good

I am currently running one of my group programs and this week we started our group “reset.” This is basically a commitment to eating the most clean, healthy way we can (and still enjoy life). In this video I talk about how I’m noticing how different foods make me feel.  I never really felt the … Read more

Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits and Uses

Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits and Uses

My friend Cheryl asked me a great question about the health benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar.  I had actually researched this a few years ago and didn’t find much solid evidence about benefits despite many client testimonials. Well, I looked again recently and found that over the past few years there have been quite a … Read more

Leniency in Your Lifestyle Plan


I’m just back from a long weekend of eating my way through the best restaurants in Charleston, so this week I am talking about making sure there’s leniency in your lifestyle plan. For me, this looks like having a healthy, nourishing routine that I love when I’m home, so that I can indulge when I’m … Read more